We are using cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration involving stakeholders from 13 European countries to establish regionally coordinated mitigation, monitoring, and assessment programmes in a selected group of fisheries with a risk of bycatch. Within a proactively fostered working environment characterised by mutual trust, safety, and cooperation, the consortium will build on a review of current approaches and learning from the case study fisheries to deliver an innovative suite of measures designed to be integrated into policy and best practice in European fisheries management.
CIBBRiNA is funded by the EU’s LIFE programme and runs from 2023 to 2029.
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Our eight case studies together cover a rich variety of fishing operations, from small-scale to large-scale, using gear including gillnets, surface and deep-water longlines, pelagic trawls, and bottom trawls. These are found across the North-East Atlantic, Baltic, and Mediterranean, with some of the case studies focusing on more specific areas such as the Celtic Sea and the waters of Madeira. Through collaborative research with these fisheries, CIBBRiNA will produce new knowledge applicable across Europe.
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